教學|SFMC Integration - 整合 LINE 聯絡人資訊
💁♀️ Advantage
Sending PnP/SMS+ messages via SFMC connector
Sending LINE Push Messages via SFMC connector
Integrating LINE contacts for smoother customization of marketing efforts
#️⃣ What is Saleforce Marketing Cloud
Salesforce Marketing Cloud is one of the largest providers of marketing cloud services tailored for medium to large enterprises. Essentially, it allows us to understand the functionalities encompassed within a marketing cloud and how it brings value to businesses. In simple terms, the core functionality of Salesforce Marketing Cloud revolves around automating customer journeys. Successful automated journey design can deliver personalized consumer experiences, with the engine behind these automated journeys being cross-channel data integration. Let's delve into how these three components address pain points in brand marketing operations and CRM.
- OpenAPI Zone 1
- OpenAPI Zone 2
- Webhook Zone 1
- Webhook Zone 2
▶️ Preparation Steps for Setting up MAAC x SFMC Data Import:
1. Click SFMC Setup

2. Setup Home > Security > Security Settings

3. Click Edit

4. Exclude FTP From Password Expiration > uncheck

5. Save the settings

6. Administration > Data Management > FTP Accounts

7. Click Create User

8. Setup the password > Next

9. Choose Password > Next

10. Choose Full > Next

11. Click Save

# Please provide the following details to Crescendo for setting up the SFTP account:
SFTP hostname
SFTP username
SFTP password
SFTP remote file path
▶️ Setup Data Extensions - Contact
12. Click Audience Builder > Contact Builder

13. Contact Builder > Data Extensions

14. Click Create

15. Fulfill Name & Description > Next

16. The Data Retention Policy steps do not require any changes. Please proceed by clicking the "Next" button to enter the Attributes configuration.

17. Please fill in the required data fields > Complete > Save
line_uid could be choose for primary key

18. The MAAC Contact field corresponds to the following name
![MAAC Contact [聯絡人] 欄位對應名稱](https://images.tango.us/workflows/8b9b6fd7-8143-433d-828b-0cc03a5b588a/steps/bb82cddc-e64a-416e-a47e-ef0cc75114b9/0a23d45b-78ea-4455-bae2-c146e7f3f9b4.png?fm=png&crop=focalpoint&fit=crop&fp-x=0.5041&fp-y=0.5329&w=1200&border=2%2CF4F2F7&border-radius=8%2C8%2C8%2C8&border-radius-inner=8%2C8%2C8%2C8&blend-align=bottom&blend-mode=normal&blend-x=0&blend-w=1200&blend64=aHR0cHM6Ly9pbWFnZXMudGFuZ28udXMvc3RhdGljL21hZGUtd2l0aC10YW5nby13YXRlcm1hcmstdjIucG5n&mark-x=30&mark-y=72&m64=aHR0cHM6Ly9pbWFnZXMudGFuZ28udXMvc3RhdGljL2JsYW5rLnBuZz9tYXNrPWNvcm5lcnMmYm9yZGVyPTMlMkMzMjcwRUImdz0xMTQ5Jmg9NTI4JmZpdD1jcm9wJmNvcm5lci1yYWRpdXM9MTA%3D)
19. The MAAC Tag field corresponds to the following name
![MAAC 標籤 [Tag] 欄位對應名稱](https://images.tango.us/workflows/8b9b6fd7-8143-433d-828b-0cc03a5b588a/steps/faf83fa4-20ef-491d-9277-04b7f55dcb99/d00ff5c0-18e0-4435-a028-58f8cb09c5cd.png?fm=png&crop=focalpoint&fit=crop&fp-x=0.5015&fp-y=0.4813&w=1200&border=2%2CF4F2F7&border-radius=8%2C8%2C8%2C8&border-radius-inner=8%2C8%2C8%2C8&blend-align=bottom&blend-mode=normal&blend-x=0&blend-w=1200&blend64=aHR0cHM6Ly9pbWFnZXMudGFuZ28udXMvc3RhdGljL21hZGUtd2l0aC10YW5nby13YXRlcm1hcmstdjIucG5n&mark-x=16&mark-y=53&m64=aHR0cHM6Ly9pbWFnZXMudGFuZ28udXMvc3RhdGljL2JsYW5rLnBuZz9tYXNrPWNvcm5lcnMmYm9yZGVyPTMlMkMzMjcwRUImdz0xMTcyJmg9MjExJmZpdD1jcm9wJmNvcm5lci1yYWRpdXM9MTA%3D)
20. Click Journey Builder > Automation Studio

21.Drag the "File Drop" source from the left sidebar to the "STARTING SOURCE" in the middle column. Click on the dragged item to configure its settings.

22. Click Configure

23. In the popup window, select the "Use Filename Pattern" option from the radio buttons on the left. Choose "Begin with" from the dropdown menu. Then, enter "maac_members_" in the text field. On the right side, select the file location as "Import," and click "Done" to complete the setup.

24.Drag the "Import File" component from the left sidebar to the right side. Click on the "Choose" button to open the settings window.

25. If there are no pre-existing activities at the "Choose Import File Activity" stage, you can click on the "Create New Import Definition" button located in the top right corner to create a new one.
26. Fulfill Name, Description(optional) > Next

27. In the "File Naming Pattern" text field, enter "maac_tags_xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx.csv".
The "xxxxxxx" part represents a group of UUIDs. Once the setup is completed on Crescendo team, it will generate and provide you with this information on the right side.

28. Select the "Japanese (Japan)" option under Date Format. The example below it will change to the format "2016/01/19 13:44". Click the "Next" button to proceed to the next stage.

29. Select the previously created member data extension > Next

30. Select "Data Action" as "overwrite" and choose "Map by Header Row" for Mapping. Click the "Next" button to proceed to the next step.

31. Please review the settings to ensure everything is configured correctly. If everything looks correct, click "Finish" to complete the setup.

32. Click "save" to save the workflow

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