Tutorials|SFMC Integration - LINE push messages setting
💁♀️ Advantage
Sending PnP/SMS+ messages via SFMC connector
Sending LINE Push Messages via SFMC connector
Integrating LINE contacts for smoother customization of marketing efforts
#️⃣ What is Saleforce Marketing Cloud
Salesforce Marketing Cloud is one of the largest providers of marketing cloud services tailored for medium to large enterprises. Essentially, it allows us to understand the functionalities encompassed within a marketing cloud and how it brings value to businesses. In simple terms, the core functionality of Salesforce Marketing Cloud revolves around automating customer journeys. Successful automated journey design can deliver personalized consumer experiences, with the engine behind these automated journeys being cross-channel data integration. Let's delve into how these three components address pain points in brand marketing operations and CRM.
- OpenAPI Zone 1
- OpenAPI Zone 3
- Webhook Zone 1
- Webhook Zone 2
▶️ How to setup MAAC x SFMC Connector - Create Key
- External Key: Required when creating key values.
- Salt: Required when creating key values.
1. Login SFMC and click on Setup

2. Setup Home Data Management Key Management

3. Click on Create

4. Choose Salt input External Key & Salt save

▶️ How to setup MAAC x SFMC Connector - Message Module
- MAAC Line Message Package URL
- MAAC PNP Message Package URL
- MAAC Message Open Split Package URL
- MAAC Split Package URL
5. Setup Home Click on Apps Installed Packages

6. Click New for setup new module

7. Fulfill New Package details > save
Name: You can enter it yourself for future identification purposes.
Description: You may input additional supplementary information as needed for future identification.

8. On the module page click on "Add Component" Add Component

9. Choose Journey Builder Activity > Next

10. Input the information
- Name: Customizable for ease of identification during operation
- Description: Customizable description text for easier differentiation
- Category: Select based on the current module configuration
- Endpoint URL: Enter the corresponding Message Package URL

- MAAC Line Message Package -> Category: Message
- MAAC PNP Message Package -> Category: Message
- MAAC Message Open Split Package -> Category: Flow control
- MAAC Split Package -> Category: Flow control
▶️ How to setup LINE Push Messages in SFMC Journey
11. Click on Journey Builder

12. In Journey Builder Create New Journey

13. Click on Multi-Step Journey Create

# Journey Builder - Marketing Cloud
14. Pull MAAC Massage icon into node

15. You may change the name of node for future identification purposes

SFMC journey builder - Set message node name
- In each message node of SFMC journey builder, you can fill in message event. If each node selects the same event, you can attribute these nodes together to see the total effect of this event.
- Message template is a message template that has been created on MAAC. (Tutorials|Template library)

▶️ Insight
16. Through the MAAC backend's API push feature, you can track the effectiveness of LINE messages.

17. Through the API Broadcast, you can confirm the number of clicks on sent messages.
The name of each row in the API list page corresponds to the event name of each node in the SFMC Journey Builder.
The Trigger column corresponds to the "send message" in the message template.
Limitation: If it's "Open website URL" or a URL provided by the API, it won't be accessible.

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